
Program Overview

准备好走出学生的角色,进入老师的角色. 我们的基础教育认证学士学位让您以创造性的方式进入该领域, 提供多样化的经历,建立你的信心,为你的职业生涯做好准备. A flexible curriculum enables you to expand your horizons and increase your job market value by pursuing a double major, 小, or concentration. You will graduate with a Maine teacher certification in hand and the real-world experience to make a difference in your 学生’ lives.


Thanks to the UNE Education Department, 我有足够的机会去实施和观察有效的影响, 地方学校特殊教育学生的研究型策略. 参加全球网络赌博平台的特殊教育课程是非常有益的.



灵活的课程设置允许双专业, 未成年人, 浓度, 还有出国留学——所有这些都有助于你成为一个全面发展的人,一个非常受欢迎的老师. Early and regular field experiences provide an array of opportunities that prepare you 为 your career while helping you get a foot in the door with potential employers.

  • Flexible curricular pathways
  • 与当地学校紧密合作
  • Field experiences every semester
  • 优秀的毕业生就业率

Meet Kaylee, Education ’22

With the support of her family and professors at UNE, 凯莉的使命是证明教学可以适用于所有能力的人.


你的教育学士学位使你成为班级的佼佼者. Equipped with 知识, critical thinking skills, 并有广泛的学生教学经验, you will be prepared, 自信, 当你走下毕业领奖台,进入有意义的教学生涯时,你就获得了证书.


  • 在稳定增长领域的就业能力
  • 在公立或私立学校工作的选择
  • 在任何地理区域工作的灵活性(47个州的课程互惠性)
  • 我们在当地学校中享有卓越的声誉


无论你心中有一个明确的职业目标,还是对自己感兴趣的领域有一个模糊的概念, 职业建议 is here to help you plan your next step.

Student Success by the Numbers


2017 and 2018 graduates 受雇于教育或研究生院 within one year of graduation


在缅因州 找工作

(Zippia, 2021)


有很多方法可以让你驾驭这个专业. 你甚至可以完成体育教育(PE)的集中成为一名体育老师.

Examples of Available Courses


  • 通过技术支持21世纪的学习
  • Diversity Issues in Schools
  • 包容性方法和基于数据的决策
  • Exceptionalities in the Classroom

K-6 Teaching Certification

Successful completion of the degree program meets all requirements of the Maine State K-6 Teacher Certification Program.


CAS Core 课程 学分
总计 42–46
Professional Core Courses 学分
EDU 105 – Exploring Teaching 3
通过技术支持21世纪的学习 3
EDU 202 – 课程 & 评估 3
EDU 206 – Foundations of Literacy 3
SPE 220 -课堂中的异常 3
EDU 261 – Teaching Social Studies: K-8 3
EDU 267 – Teaching 科学: K-8 3
EDU 373 – Teaching Mathematics: K-8 3
EDU 386 – Literacy Methods: K-8 Reading 3
EDU 387 – Literacy Methods K-8 Writing 3
EDU 385 – Diversity Issues in Schools 3
SPE 405 -包容性方法和基于数据的决策 3
EDU 485 – Elementary Practicum 3
EDU 491学生教学实习和研讨会 12
总计 Professional Core 学分 51
选修课程或体育专业* 6–23
Electives to get to 120 credits* 变量
Minimum Required 总计 学分 120–122

*你必须至少修6个英文学分, 垫, 他/波尔, 和SCI,以便教学和获得国家认证. 这些课程可以是核心课程的一部分,也可以作为选修课. 在选择选修课时咨询你的学术顾问.

*学生 pursuing the Physical Education Concentration should see the Concentration Tab below 为 the course list.

Field Experience

教育项目的教师致力于持续和频繁地观察和参与学校. The teacher education programs at UNE have a specific competency-based focus to meet the Maine standards 为 teacher certification. All 学生 engaged in teacher preparation will spend time in a field setting in each of the semesters 为 which they are registered 为 professional education courses. 在学校的参与将与具体的、与课程有关的任务联系起来.g.、观察、授课、实验、评估等.). 往返学校的交通是学生的责任.


未经教育主席特别许可, 实习学期不得选修课程, 所以所有的必修课程必须在实习前一个学期完成. 不能保证获得实习资格,学生必须达到Advanced Standing才能申请.

In addition, the student should have:

  • 充分了解有效教学的组成部分.
  • 对适当的年级水平的内容和教学方法有足够的了解.
  • 充分了解学生的发展需要.
  • 充分了解如何与学校人员建立和保持有效的合作关系, 学生, 和父母.
  • 理解和同情与学生一起工作.

个别实习地点的选择将由认证和就业主任作出. 相对于UNE的地理位置是一个考虑因素. UNE has a collaborative relationship with many districts and selects both schools and teachers based on their interest in and ability to assist interns in demonstrating mastery of the Maine Common Core Teaching Standards. 不能保证有实习机会. The Education programs, 通过其认证和安置官, 是否会真诚地努力协商一个合适的位置. 学校有权拒绝学生的入学申请. The 15-week student teaching internship experience must be done in a local Maine Public School that is in an established internship protocol with the University of New England.


All 学生 enrolled in the internship must demonstrate their teaching competence with respect to Maine Common Core 专业教育工作者检讨委员会审议前的教学标准. 该委员会由来自地区学校的专业教育工作者和全球网络赌博平台的教师组成. 学生 are required to develop a presentation reflecting their proficiency in meeting these state standards and present and defend the presentation in front of the Board. Passing PERB is a requirement 为 completion of the certification program and subsequently is recommended to the Maine State Department of Education 为 teacher licensure.

Advanced Standing

All 学生 in education certification programs must apply 为 admission to advanced standing when they have completed approximately 60 credit hours. To apply 为 advanced standing, 学生 must develop a portfolio demonstrating how they have met proficiency in the following areas: a) teaching skills, 知识, and disposition aligned with the Maine Common Core Teaching Standards; b) basic academic skills and c) professional skills. This portfolio is evaluated by a committee of education faculty and a pass/fail determination is made based on a holistic rubric.

学生 not meeting these criteria do not remain enrolled in a certification program; however, 学生可以选择将专业改为非认证专业,如教育研究. 学生 can reapply 为 advanced standing upon completion of each additional semester up until their second to last semester (i.e., 春季毕业的学生必须在上一个秋季学期开始前满足提前入学要求.

要了解有关该计划的更多信息,请参阅 Academic Catalog.

Meet our faculty and professional staff

Experiential Learning

想象一下你在协助早期识字筛查, serving as an educational technician, or creating a Family Education Night. 从你的第一学期开始,你将不再是学生,而是坐在老师的位置上.

Field Work in the Schools

  • Support a classroom teacher
  • 参与干预回应(RTI)
  • Assist in educational evaluations
  • Help to run an after school program
  • 让家庭和社区参与教育活动



  • 完善通过课程和实地考察获得的技能
  • 对自己的教学能力感到舒适和自信
  • 与学生和学校人员建立密切的工作关系
  • 拓展人脉,建立人脉,这将提高你的就业能力

欲了解更多信息,请联系Cynthia Simon 文理学院实习办公室 ​​​​​​at (207) 602-2540 or csimon@844201.com.


除了在国外度过一个学期的机会, 您可以选择参加我们的教育相关或其他 short-term travel course


EDU 242:全球背景下的比较教育

Dr. 莱恩克拉克

This course investigates comparative education theories and philosophy to examine education in different contexts and includes spending eight days in 爱尔兰 in mid-May following final exams. 你扩展了你对社会的认识,并通过学校的制度来了解社会是如何运作的. 在爱尔兰, 你参观学校,参观城堡,了解爱尔兰的文化和历史, the famous Cliffs of Moher, and the Aran Islands. 其他亮点可能包括探索克里环和花时间在戈尔韦, 软木塞, Kinsale, 和基拉尼的.

要注册这些课程并了解更多信息,请访问 全球教育 Program 网站.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an elementary education degree?

如果你的目标是成为一名小学老师, 选择基础教育学士学位是最理想的. This program prepares 学生 with the skills and 知识 to teach in a K-6 classroom and receive Maine state certification in this area.

全球网络赌博平台的基础教育学位为你从学生到教师的转变做好了准备. Through creative field experiences, you'll gain diverse skills, 增强你对职业的信心. 我们灵活的课程设置可以让你通过双学位拓宽你的视野, 未成年人, or 浓度, 出国留学, 或者有意义的实习,旨在提高你的就业前景. 毕业后, 你将持有缅因州教师资格证,并拥有影响学生生活的实践经验.

认证只在本科阶段提供,因为学士学位针对的是那些刚进入该领域的人. At the graduate level degrees are available 为 licensed teachers seeking specialization and individuals transitioning to teaching from another subject.



基础教育学位使毕业生能够在小学课堂上成为高效的教师. 而在传统学校教书是最明显的职业道路, 小学教育专业的学生可以选择几种不同的职业道路. 任课教师可以晋升为院长等学校领导职位, assistant principals, principals overseeing entire schools, 或行政角色,有助于地区一级的领导. 许多这样的职位通常需要更高的学位.

基础教育专业的学生为课堂之外的各种职业做好了充分的准备, such as roles in admissions counseling, after-school program direction, curriculum development, educational consulting, 博物馆教育工作者, and corporate training. This is built on skills you'll develop, including decision-making, face-to-face communication, 听, 公众演讲, 推理, 社会意识, 团队合作, and written communication.

拥有基础教育学位的全球网络赌博平台毕业生享有许多优势. 其中包括对该领域工作的高需求, 在新英格兰公立或私立学校任教的选择, 地域灵活性(47个州互惠), 以及我们在当地学校中享有的卓越声誉.

学生还可以在我们的学术和职业咨询中心工作. 如果你有一个明确的职业目标,或者只是对一个领域有普遍的兴趣,这并不重要.

Learn more about 职业建议 at UNE

Is an elementary education degree a B.A. 或B.S.?

一般来说,a和B的主要区别是.A. 和B.S. is the subject matter. A B.A. 强调批判性思维,沟通和整体学习,而B.S. 强调逻辑,推理和定量技巧. Overall, they are not that different. 你的专业选择通常会决定你是否能拿到B.A. 或B.S.

全球网络赌博平台的基础教育学位是理科学士学位.S.)学位. 此外,在研究生阶段还有硕士学位和研究生证书.

中等水平的教学需要特定学科的专业知识. 全球网络赌博平台有一个灵活的课程,允许你双修专业, 小, 或者在获得B的同时专注于你感兴趣的领域.S. 在教育. 我们也提供未成年人特殊教育和辅导.




如果你获得了全球网络赌博平台的基础教育学士学位, 你有资格在缅因州教K-6年级. You can even complete a concentration in Physical Education (PE) to be eligible 为 certification to become a PE teacher.



获得基础教育学位, 你将完成必修的教育课程和核心课程, covering subjects such as English, applied mathematics, 社会研究, 历史, 为eign languages, 和科学. 教师培训计划为学生提供了对教育最佳实践的见解, crafting age-appropriate curricula, and understanding child psychology. 这些课程使他们能够教不同能力、背景和需求的孩子. Keep in mind that some states require teachers to attain a master's degree after achieving their teaching certification, 因此,了解你想要的教学国家的要求是至关重要的.

在一个, 学生必须满足以下要求才能获得具有证书的基础教育学位:

  • 完成文理学院(CAS)的核心要求
  • Complete Professional Courses
  • Complete field experience
  • 在当地的缅因州公立学校完成15周的学生教学经验
  • 完成60学分的高级课程要求
  • 展示他们在缅因州共同核心课程方面的教学能力
  • 专业教育工作者检讨委员会审议前的教学标准


  • 展示对缅因州共同核心教学标准的掌握
  • 通过问责和参与展示专业精神
  • 具备书面和口头有效沟通的能力
  • 根据专业期望表现出适当的性格


  • 通过技术支持21世纪的学习
  • Diversity Issues in Schools
  • 包容性方法和基于数据的决策
  • Exceptionalities in the Classroom




确定你作为未来老师的优先事项,并更多地了解你潜在的老师. 发现你可以在那里建立什么样的关系,这将进一步推动你的基础教育事业.

The faculty in UNE’s Education programs 在缅因州 are committed to ongoing and frequent observation and involvement in schools.



了解你将要学习的课程类型, the amount of field experience, 还有实习和学生教学的机会. 询问对你来说重要的事情,包括班级规模和学习环境.

全球网络赌博平台有一个灵活的课程,允许双专业, 未成年人, 浓度, 还有出国留学——所有这些都有助于你成为一个全面发展的人,一个非常受欢迎的老师. 有很多方法可以让你选择基础教育专业. You can even complete a concentration in Physical Education (PE) to become eligible 为 certification as a PE teacher.

Learn more about elementary education with certification curricular requirements and physical education concentration requirements at UNE

全球网络赌博平台积极开展体验式学习. 课程重点包括实践学习经验. 学生 benefit from continuous fieldwork beginning in their first semester and continuing in every education course and culminating in a 15-week student teaching internship.


Determine if the program offers career advising and qualifies you 为 the elementary education career you want including the right accreditation and licensing or certification requirements you'll need to meet 为 professional practice.

UNE has strong relationships with local schools which means our School of Education 学生 benefit from continuous fieldwork, beginning their first semester. The hours spent working directly with K-6 学生 prepare graduates to be the best elementary education teachers they can be and often open the door to opportunities 为 permanent employment.


  • Supporting a classroom teacher
  • 参与回应干预(RTI)
  • Assisting in educational evaluations
  • Helping to run an after-school program
  • 让家庭和社区参与教育活动

缅因州对普通小学教育教师的需求很大. The Maine Department of Education 据报道,2023-2024学年将出现短缺. UNE 学生 complete a four-year curriculum leading to a Bachelor of 科学 degree in Elementary Education and earn Maine certification. 全球网络赌博平台与包括新英格兰地区在内的美国大多数州都有互惠关系.

Overall, UNE offers 职业建议 帮助初等教育毕业生规划他们的下一步. 95%的全球网络赌博平台本科生在毕业一年内就业或从事继续高等教育.

Location and environment

问问自己,什么样的环境最适合你. 弄清楚你是想留在你所在的州,还是想搬家. 看看你是否会受到同学们的启发或挑战.

全球网络赌博平台教育学院的本科生在风景如画的比德福德校区学习. 我们在缅因州的比德福德校区拥有4000英尺的海岸线,是一个著名的度假胜地. 同时,我们的丹吉尔,摩洛哥校区提供现代化的设施,在一个主要的全球研究位置.


全球网络赌博平台的学生也可以选择出国留学. 除了在国外度过一个学期的机会, 您可以选择参加我们的教育相关或其他 short-term travel course.




全球网络赌博平台提供择优奖学金,与你选择的学位路径无关. 我们的学费比新英格兰私立大学的平均学费低16%. 我们致力于教育的可负担性. Here are some relevant statistics:

  • 98%的本科生获得优秀奖学金
  • 我们学生的平均总奖励是24K美元
  • 每年颁发4200万美元的机构奖学金
